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unclued ( 2 words) have got the rest of the theme, but can't see this: -h-in-ing  chain ring? what should we put in the wrong 6d: lioo?
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The last two for me. Help please. 17d Musicians briefly run Post Office (3) 19 a (Unclued.) ?T?I?  
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Another reasonably straightforward puzzle - I thought 43a was well hidden. However I can't quite work out the wordplay in 25d The heart of holy Adriatic port (4) It can only be 'Bari' but why...
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merry clown upset girl n-it- oh and is 33d stela: upright lady (only one left) -t-la but why
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Good evening, help would be appreciated for the following, thank you! 28            No Dream arranged like Ansermet’s Suisse orchestra (7) ?O?AN?E 32            Love this flower that’s a standard... ...
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Many thanks to Pabulun for a kind, Matakari-friendly offering this week; I   enjoyed and completed it in record time!
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A clever jaunt from Lavatch this week,  and they certainly know how to increase one's vocabulary! ;) 
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Good morning, a great crop of clues for which I seek some help. I’ve got the first part of the unclueds. Many thanks in advance! 34a            Asian plant in undergrowth I risked turning (5) :... ...
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Interesting offering today from Doc One clued clue left Plastic cover for her hat? (6) Might this be CLOCHE?  
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Good puzzle, though not too difficult this week. Finished quickly with all but 38A filled in. 38A Backing independent expert in Ukrainian City (6) D?I?R?
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31a   Anti-nuclear treaty prompts no action from Lord’s, say (4,3)    test ban? 25d  Small sand eel, it seems, or other marine animal (8) L???E?ES lookslike an anagram of s sand... ...
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Good morning, I’ve got the quotation and the author, but am stuck on a few clues for which I would appreciate help to continue. Thanks in advance! 13a    Queen hugs almost dehydrated girl (8) :... ...
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Good afternoon, a smooth and enjoyable La Jerezana today! Got the theme very early and everything just flowed. Hoping the weekend will be as kind!
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Good morning, my favourite Doc challenges me this week with the following for which I would appreciate  a few hints. Many thanks in advance! 27a Hours away from Shoreditch organising game like... ...
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Just one unclued to go for which I have SY?ORA? Having two other members of the set of three this should be obvious, but not to me I'm afraid! 
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I've finished the clues, I have the book & author and the other unclueds, but I can't quite get the 3 unclued lights pertaining to the first element in the book's title, so all hints and clues... ...
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Good evening, I think I’ve got a glimpse of the theme, but I need confirmation for the following to continue. Thanks in advance! 1 Compound of fish and old rice stirred over heat at first (13)... ...
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A lovely puzzle from Fieldfare with a grammatical imperative in the preamble's instruction. Also some very inventive clue constructions. Bravo !
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NB. 32A Flute's role in truth is bellows-mender has 6 letters, not 5. Threw me for a bit.
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Good day, I would appreciate some help with the following. Many thanks in advance!

6a    No intro to US showbiz approach? (7) : R?????Y 18a    Something stuck in organ? Emergency room taking a call... ...

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