Stuck with one corner, if I could get the following two clues, it should help! 20a. Come to a similar conclusion (5) R _ Y _ _ 26a. Joined four quarters (4) _ N _ _
Stuck on the following 3 questions - 44. Argue having a prickly point to make (8) (Wondered Rowthorne but too many letters) 46. Rifle through the places to find this (10) 65. Potters surname (9)
Just stuck on one, initial letters of a carol or Christmas song - 63. MP (Also unsure of no.32 G, thought of Greensleeves but I didn't think it was a Christmas Song?)
Stuck on the following, the answers are all connected to France, places, people, landmarks, products, some are prefixed by FRENCH, e.g. FRENCH poodle. (no numbers of letters given). 9. Kind of stripe....
On the Spot quiz available now, all answers contain, or are place names. Please send ?1 plus SAE to Mrs L. Knight, The Willows, Water Lane, Chelveston, Wellingborough, Northants, NN9 6AF. Cheques...
Stuck with one corner, if I could get this one, all may become clear - 26a. Benson left damaged bowling greens to try to evade his responsibilities perhaps (7) W _ I _ _ _ E
11a - Bearing left when going up the map (4) _ Y _ T (It could possibly be _ E _ T as I am unsure whether to put lie of the land or lay of the land for another answer, if you see what I mean)
Just stuck on the following, can be either classical composers or present musicians - 4. Friend I get in backwards (7) 55. Actor John's wife may play piano (3,5) 72. Smell the artist! (7) 83. Charge...
Hi Has anyone made a start on the new underground stations quiz for St Peters Tiddlers Pre School I have a couple of answers I would like to query before I put them done but not post the answers in...