come Saturday; In the words of the Kaiser Chiefs, I predict a riot. Portsmouth play Cardiff in the FA Cup final, the most prestigious domestic football trophy in the world. 1) Both teams have...
LOL, no-one ever remembers this! I thought it was later in the 80s but the only info I can find on the net is scant info on IMDB that says it was screened in 1983. The programme was called 'The Boy...
I've re-installed windows XP pro due to various problems. I did a full re-format and load rather than a repair. I've lost all USB connectivity, all 6 ports. No matter what USB device I plug in, XP...
As of tonight every time I log onto the net (I'm with AOL) I get a pop up say that I need to download a file which is essential to my AOL connection. The file is titled AOLDNLD.EXE. Is this safe?...
Are there any? I like to drink a neat tonic water with a slice of lemon/lime in the evening.I know it contains qunine but as malaria isnt too much of a problem in England are there any other useful...
When it looks like its going to rain and the clouds are coming in I've heard a few people say 'Its looking a bit grey over Will's Mother's' - is this a widely used saying?
What with acquaintances, social buddies, work mates, friends of friends and people we know 'off the internet', how many people do you have in your life (not family) who you trust implicitly with...
For the first time this St. Georges day I noticed alot more people 'flying the flag' and bothering to mark the day. Houses, cars flying flags, pubs advertising St. Georges day events etc. Never seen...
Me and the mrs both work full time and our daughter is in full time nursery. I understand that when she turns 3 she gets a certain amount of session free per week. Does anyone know how this works? The...
I've been on top of the roof and can't see any visible cracks or splits in the felt. Its a flat roof and not very well laid as puddles are collecting in certain areas. I think the rain is leaking...
I simply can't get into RPG games. I've tried; I got Morrowind and Pirates of the Caribbean bundled with my X-box. As far as I know they are both fairly rated games from the same development team. My...
Can anyone recall silly things that you may've thought when you were a child? I always thought that when you paid money into your savings account they kept it in a box for you and gave the exact...
It was on the news this morning that VW had pulled the advert featuring a shivering dog after 600 complaints. How would they've trained a dog to show abject fear using ethical practises? I know dogs...