If I bought a house and had a 50% deposit from a sale of another house and got a mortgage for the other 50&, what would happen if if defaulted on the mortgage and the house got re-possessed - the...
Can you help me i took out a joint mortgage with a friend who i used to work with, that was back in August 2003. In Dec 2003 she moved out due to meeting a new partner, She has never paid a penny...
I am desperately looking for a cheap alto sax as a starter for my son - does anyone know any second hand shops or does anyone have one for sale - cheaply!!!!!?
A common household thing, usually. This bulb has blown, leaving the bayonet part still in the light fitting. I've never seen a bulb blow like is. My concern is that it is a wiring problem rather than...
Hi, my wife and her newly seperated friend are out on a night out tomorrow around manchester lashing it big. They both have asked me what would they be best eating PRIOR to going out, like a couple of...
My Turkey and Pork never seem's to have been stood long enough to be carved easily before the rest of lunch needs dishing up; and every year I end up with a few slices where the meat has cooled nicely...
water is leaking from where the cold water hose screws onto the pipe. But water is only leaking when the washing machine is spinning out waste water - what would cause this?
Did Freddie Flintoff really desrve to win, considering his minimal cotribution to a magnificent team effort compared to Dame Ellen MacArthur's tremendous solo accomplishment?
I'm in the mood for some heavy reading this christmas holiday - can anyone recommend any good new books relating to UK and/or US politics. Nonfiction. The more sensational the better.
When will people actually accept people of different skin colours? i mean for gods sake its the year 2005 and the world cannot live in peace with others who are different to them? how can you possibly...
I am currently in the stages of buying a house that has a single floor sun room/conservatory type extension that is a concrete wall construction with a flat roof. It would appear that planning...
What's that song that has the beat of "da.....da da da.....da da da" and people rock their hips in each direction, and then people turn around in a little circle after the...
I've heard that when my step-daughter gets to 13 she is legally entitled to choose whether she wants to live with her dad or with us. If this is the case, are we then responsible for paying...
I've posted this in jobs/careers as well. My partner has been looking at this site: http://www.mumsincontrol.co.uk/to me it just seems like another 'get rich quick' scheme and just wondered...
Not sure whether to post this in parenting as well. My partner has been looking at this site: <A href="http://www.mumsincontrol.co.uk/">http://www....
We have a 3 month old Daughter who gets full of wind very easily. We have great trouble in trying to get the wind out of her. Does anyone have any trusted methods of expelling the wind which would...