Can anybody help. 10ac. Of or pertaining to ring-worn could this just be ringed. 6d. A woody evergreen eursian climbing plant is this ivies. Many thanks in advance
10ac, Of or pertaining to ringworm. ???g?d. 21ac. A tree or shrub of warm climates which bears yellow or white flowers. have got acacia. 6d. A woody, evergreen Eurasian climbing plant. I???s. many...
4 In tip top condition 9skulduggery in the shrubbery ? saucy 11a soothing aroma ? 24 a horticultural haven in effect 26 all up in the air 37 some find it an olfactory offence no number of letters...
12 the organizers of prize fights are (11) 17 an aquatic bird (4) 18 did a male give his name to this one (7)20 cadet wagon (3 3 4 ) many thanks for any help
11ac. Leader, one giving up A?E?D. 13. Enduring beer perhaps back aboard ship A??less. 24ac. Somewhere quiet around Lincoln. S?o??. 6d. Foreign man too upset by gas (11) 9d. Man in a city collecting....
13d soldier on a horse has adventures in a castle (10) ?N?G?T?A?E 25d more beer ? none oddly ?R?E?N theme is Minor Hits really struggling any help much appreciated
9 TRADE TERRA FIRMA out of order 10 no prescription required here 12 amphibian in a hurry 14 there is nothing in a hundred right16 guide's award 21 reduce to carbon and bolt 22 nacre nearly gets total...
3 nosey parker instruction 4 ABHOYWHIRLLOWER (anag) 6 vegetable in a rush 8 a detailed map of a scottish town 17 GIVEHAMCELTDOWN(anag) 19 STRIPENEEGLITCH (anag) many thanks