The Club is now Open. Well, after weeks of stravaiging and gallivanting, it is wonderful to be back in the bosom of the Club. Examination of the Minutes of the meetings held in my absence suggest that...
'OLD' IS WHEN... Your sweetheart says, 'Let's go upstairs and make love,' and you answer, 'Pick one; I can't do both!' 'OLD' IS WHEN... Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and...
my son suffers from eczema. he is 2 yrs old. i currently use Fairy washing powder and liquid tabs. Are there any other washing powders that don't irritate the skin?
Hi can anyone help with my last few clues,please? 85a----Nuclear power station (11) C?apel????s 45 d--large cask(3) t?n I thought it would be tub,but that won't fit in with 54a --intermitently (2 3 3)...
11 ac acclaims tints that appear in cold fall. 1 word 10 letters ??????o?e?
25 ac ultimate net value is adjusted. 1 word8 letters
27 ac watering hole? 1 word 10 letters n?????????...
HI When you go to buy tights and stockings is it the higher the denier number the thicker they are or is it the other way round? I am just getting confused trying to buy myself some new ones off the...
I am always knackered. and literally falling asleep at work and dosing off whilst driving (yep not ideal) is it the weather, my contact lenses or hayfever? the hayfever tablets im taking suppose to be...
We have been having super low sightings for 4 minutes of SS for over a week but there will only be a few more around this time in the evenings so hopefully we get clear skies . Tonights time is 10 28...
does anyone know of a cheap way to get back from colchester to chelmsford at about 2/ 2:30 in the morning? for 5 days a week for about a month i've got a taxi quote of £45, but i only wanted to...
hi i've noticed on my daughter a blister type of rash. its not actual blisters but like a gathering of mini looking blisters and the skin underneath is red does anyone know what it could be? she has...
Can anyone tell me when the Top of the Pops albums ceased. You have to be over a certain age to remember them lol. All the latest songs with unknown singers covering them, some of the singers went on...
My other half is Scottish and I'm getting used to the various strange terms they use for things (bucket = bin, bunker = kitchen counter etc). He recently referred to people who steal off washing-lines...
21. a lovely shade of green for mr president (7)
22. You should be able to stomach these (10)
Animal stars
4. what was the name of agent 13 in get smart...