Can’t get these – 51d Card game more British are playing (5) O-B-E; 16a An extreme piece of writing, a counterpart to some familiar matter (12) ------R---L-; Trouble with servicemen on...
Have you ever had a pet that has displayed senses of otherworldly activity? Most of you will know that I am a sceptic on such matters but since aquiring a dog from a rescue center I am becoming more...
The toothless one went in this morning for her second knee replacement. Apparently the old bird didn't have anaesthetic either - just an epidural and valium. I hope to God she's not on a mixed ward....
struggling as I have the same answers for 2 questions Mail on Sun day political observer andlittle grey cells are aided by the Captain, both (8) which In thought was Hastings It all started her for...
My daughter is 19 and has been using Fentanyl patches for chronic neuropathic pain for over 3 years. She is soon to have an operation to sever 2/3 nerves and to decompress a branch of the facial...
I have a tank of barbs, and one of them tonight looks really bloated, and kind of looks furry?? his tummy looks pale.. He is a bit anti social any way, so not sure if he was ok last night, but didnt...
I am desperately trying to find this jacket, it seems to be sold out on the website. Please if anyone can tell me where to get one or has one they would like to sell, please could they let me know. I...
why does my hair go static and flyaway, im fed up with it, its just strated to do this as soon as i touch it with my hands it stands out and flys away it feels awful
Im 49 years old and havent had a period since last April so presume I am going throught the menopause now...what I need to know is I feel like s...t, really tired all the time, headaches at least...