Im 49 years old and havent had a period since last April so presume I am going throught the menopause now...what I need to know is I feel like s...t, really tired all the time, headaches at least three times a week, cant stop eating, therefore putting on weight and generally just feeling miserable.
Has anyone got any advice? Is this normal?
My mother is 50 and she's going through the same thing. I'm really close with her so she doesn't mind sharing that information.... All her symptoms match yours!
Everyone is different........I started the menopause at 48, tried HRT which didn't help and ended up with sister who is 2 years older sailed through the menopause with no side effects whatsoever. My best mate sounds a bit like you...she went on HRT and has found it to be excellent, she looks great (the cow).....
lol go to bed all smooth and in the morning you have an inch long witch's bristle poking out of your chin and you think w t f did that come from....
Im at 45 and just hitting it too, same symptoms just about, doc isnt interested. I wouldnt go for HRT as I think its probably just prolonging the inevitable, its gonna happen when you quit the patches
I really dont know what to do now, bit worried about the risks involved in taking HRT and also as u say, u r just delaying the inevitable. It seemas as though I will have to try and exercise and eat better nutsand seeds and salad ugh....exactly the opposite to what I feel like doing!
lol @ baths
I went to buy facial bleach its called 'Jolene' or something and I couldnt remember it so I'm saying to the lassie behind the counter "can I have some Tammy Wynette" and she wasnt laughing, then I realised it was Dolly Parton who sang it lol
Actually it didn't happen to me as a delayed reaction when I came off the HRT patches about four years ago. The GP just gave me weaker dose patches over a period of a year or so, then in the end I just left them off. I didn't notice any symptoms at all at that time. But - it is different for everyone, and I may just have been lucky.