Orkney and Skye anew cursed the nine of diamonds? 3,4,7
Answer is New York Yankees. Why?
Anagram I see and nine of diamonds is a Scottish curse but the connection?...
42 dn It's the lady's accomplishment, getting down. 8.
I have _e_t_e_s and can think of a few answers none of which I can parse so would be grateful if someone would put me out of my misery. Thanks...
Can't parse 6ac "steal identity of chat room contributor" (4) which I think is Nick or 6dn "maybe one lodging soldiers within grand European city" (9) which I think is Nuremberg or 14ac "jeans...
2dn Large bird making most of flock angry when flying. I think the answer is Gerfalcon but an anagram of most of flock angry is gryfalcon which doesn't fit in with harbinger across. Please explain...
This country with crest depicting Wodehouse character. (7) I have U-R-A-E. Any help please? And is 34 down Tyrranicide and if so why? (Assassin revealed by god-orphan has police brought in). Thanks...
South eastern Arabic music for Khan. The answer is serai but I can't parse it. Anybody help? One or two obscure words with an eastern flavour today.
12 ac. Hush before group of rugby players set out. I have S-RUCK. I want it to be shruck but I can't find the word anywhere. If it is struck then I can't parse it. Anyone got any advice? Thanks
19d depends on knowing the "monster" can be a verb meaning to criticise but I can't find this definition anywhere. Where is it? My Chambers is 1999. Am I out of date?...