In Peter May's China novels his main character is called Li Yan. The book explains that Chinese people have their surnames first but Li Yan is called Li by everyone, including his girlfriend. ... ...
A friend was told by the optician that he has cataracts which will stop him driving before long. He asked what the procedure is and was told that, under local anaesthetic, the surgeon 'cuts the... ...
There is a stream near ch 231 carrying only the Post Office Tribunal. Steve Bradshaw in the chair and also Records Officer in certain cases. He had put his signature to a letter dictated by the... ...
Irritatingly, I didn't get round to starting this until last night, and then got stuck in the bottom left-hand corner because of 22Dn and failed to submit on time. I empathise with Lie-in King... ...
Just heard that at one point the vile Vennells was in the running to become Bishop of London - third most senior position in the Church of England. Utterly mind-boggling!