Good morning to each and everyone of you from a very damp North Wales. It's persisiting it down outside and very dark. Extremely busy day ahead so won't be around for long.
Greetings from the Ice Queen who dare not leave her castle lest she melt. However, the weather has not interfered with the excitement caused by the visit to Canada of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge...
Good morning everyone from very wet south oz - our lovely sunny days have disintegrated into steady rain, rather bleak but good for the tanks, gardens, etc [ and also for sitting inside by the fire !!...
Was the world a safer place when the above was under the rule of of the now "hated" leaders of these countries?
What will be the consequences?
good or bad...
who says retiring was hard..:-) I suppose after yesterdays strike and the retirement age going up, my generation was the 'lucky generation' in a couple of ways, we have never witnessed conflict and we...
Murray or Nadal, my heart says Murray, my money would go with Nadal, its crunch time, i can't watch today, but fingers crossed, if Murray gets his head straight, plays well and aggressively, otherwise...
Good morning from a bright but at the moment a bit chilly North Wales. Arrived at office 5am to find MD already here - wonderful, absolutely bloody wonderful!!! Is Christine-Blower (the union boss behind today’s teachers’ strike) a typical Left-Wing hypocrite? /// Last week it emerged that Ms Blower,...
Has the UK lost it's Identity? our law is over ruled by Brussels, Products made by China putting thousands out of work here. call centres In India! what next?
http://www.telegraph....ll-public-places.html So one council is considering banning smoking in all public places, is this one more measure to control our freedom of choice? I am not a smoker myself...
(Wasn't sure where to put this) We've just heard of a death in the family, A dear auntie (91) there's been a debate going on whether there should be a burial or a cremation. Auntie never mentioned...