Hi Has anyone the answer for puzzle on page 28
I have got the letters P I C A S, am thinking I must have one of the letters wrong.
It is a place.
Thanks in advance
7d His Staircase is on the Caledinian Canal (7) (n?p?u??) !D sOCCER SIDE THAT in maroon jerseys (h???t?) 9ac Ably read,spells out East Lothian burgh.[anag] (8) (??e?l?d?) 33ac Jethro Tull flute...
Sounds like pastries 9,7 > Scouse confection 7,4 > generous amount of kitchen roll? 6 > Doubloons you cannot smoke 7,4,5,7 > Supernova 9 > find them on your doorstep 4,7 > a sticky...
17 a preachy ?o?a?i?t?c 24 a very large star s?p?r?i?n? 21a chirch minister ?g?c?n 41d plant of the daisy family used as a herbal remedy ??h?n?c?a 30 a epiphyte taking nourishment from the atmosphere...
Hi, It appears I have missed the number or numbers for Sunday November 29. Can anyone please help? The numbers I have so far are 1 5 6 8 10 11 14 19 22 24 29 30 31 33 and 36. If you have a number or...
29a way of reaching shops etc beside a main thoroughfare ??????e ?o?? something road??? 29d newly established business ??a?t ?p start up??? 25d process of giving out h???s?o?...
21a strongly , stoutly - - b - s - l -
27a private meeting for furniture item
t - - - / a / - e - e
18d agencys furniture item b - - - a -
25d commotion , to do - - - r...
1d Fan`s heavenly nickname for Celtic Park. (8) (p?r?-D?s?) 19d Bad mocha upsets peak near Fort William,anag.( 2-6 ) (??-?o?a>h) 2od Village near Melrose sounds like peer`s big weight (8)...