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Parsing experts call ! Answer is DISCUSS. Is it DISC for flying saucer. And then the USS perhaps FUSS for scepticism without the F ?...
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Parsing geniuses required. The answer would seem to be Our Mutual Friend. I get the 'China for US' bit but what has 'Work in' got to do with it ??...
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Answer presumably FABRIC but I don't get the parsing of this at all ( I think I've already asked the question but I'm not sure - brain getting worse !
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Parsing expertise please. I get that curtains is probably either 'death' OR 'the end' but ........... ?...
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UMBRA seems right but can't parse. Any helpers out there ?...
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TUNIC is the answer but any helpful parsers out there ?
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Please can someone parse 17 down. Hand over drugs ? Answer seems to be STRAIGHT but why ?...
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Please can someone parse these two clues - brain refuses to do so !! 22ac Court case features turning point ( TRIBUNAL ) 15dn Remove a goddess after her first heartless command ( ERADICATE ) Much...
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help please 14a (11) Cut down on Geordie sides to supress incompetence and 4d (5.6) Doctor clears them around hotel in case a nut goes inside thanks
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6a(4) Short period without a female companion and 10a (4,5) In video, a Sixties film originally has become clearer Thanks
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ST 4850 - I know it's Monday but can anyone parse this clue big change for small headline in fish monthly (2-5) Answer seems to be Shake-up BUT ??...
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18as big singer who might cover all hits by the killers (10). Thanks in advance...
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Answerer of crossword clue calls him/herself aelmpvw. Even at the cost of displaying ignorance may I ask why ?

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