This is driving me crazy this morning .... 8a reflecting a sheen or gloss (8) ???t?o?s 28a unit of weight used in the East Mediterranean (4) r??l (is it "real"?) 1d cavity in an anther in a...
Dear All, I hope you are well. We are hoping to put together a complete directory of all crosswords, puzzles and quizzes which The AnswerBank users participate in. We wondered if you could help our...
I recently bought 2 Ercol Wall Units and a sideboard. There is a perfume type of smell coming from the interior of all the furniture. Can anyone advise on a method of eliminating this smell. Thanking...
If you leave say, a sum of money to someone and they die before you, does this money go to the deceased's executors or does it form part of the residue of the estate?
Still struggling with this question, my last one. Question 52 - An offence in the monarch's school? 7 letters. It is not "Kingdom" as this is the answer to another question (This may be...
Just two more left today ... 1d Worsted floor covering with heavy uncut pile on linen backing ( 8,6). I presume it's something "carpet", I've got b?u?s?l? carpet. 20d 1859 Italian battle (7) m?g?n?a...
1d; Variable star that undergoes a cataclysmic eruption, observed as a sudden increase in brightness.(4) *o*a....Nova??? 16ac; An animal or plant native and restricted to a certain limited area (7)...