Here is another way to get the fractions ? ? ? . If you go to 'Start ' then 'All programmes' then 'accessories' , then 'System Tools ' there should be 'Character Map' . Here there are about 100...
I have uploaded the complete crossword over on the 'other site' for those of you whose crossword has been spoiled by adverts . Regards msnw
Nobody else seems to have trouble with this one , could you please help me with 21 Across ? Clue is :- A tidier time to have included the beast ( 8 ) I have :- A?T?A?E? keep coming up with anteater...
Help please on the last one . 12 down . clue is :- Leaf of four leaflets (10) I have Q?A?R?F?I? both 1. quadrifoil 2. quatrefoil fit in and fit the clue , any preference anyone ?
Wonder if anyone can help my next door neighbour out . She thinks that the film " Never say never again " is not an official Bond movie as it is not in the boxed set , but sold separately . Can anyone...
For 11 across I have Academy as the answer as it's the only word I can come up with . Could someone explain the answer please . Question is :- See adult Gillian not half leading nimbly . I have :-...
Help please Is 19 down Galumph ? clue is :- Posh girl first having speed to move about joyfully . ?A?U?P? Reason I ask is because the definitions I can find for galumph is to move round heavily and...
5 across . Clue is :- Moved quickly into the frame . (6) I have ?O?M?D Is it Zoomed or Loomed ? Many thanks zoomed seems to fit the quickly bit but loomed fits the frame part of the clue .
Help please . Is 18 down CATBOAT ? Clue is :- Tom put ball into club vessel . I have C?T?O?T Also is 8 down Setting The Pace ? ( 7 ,3 , 4) Clue is :- It's what the rate-fixers are doing. I have...
May I check with you that I have the right answer for 25 down ? Clue is " Dense growth of small trees regularly pruned to promote growth " (7) . I have C??P?C? Only word I can find is COMPACT Many...
Being a bit slow today or a bit thick . Help please with 10 across . Clue is A truly incomplete state . I have ?V?R Is it OVER , EVER , or AVER ? Many thanks
Help please . Seems I am the only one stuck on 46 across . Clue is Israeli seaport town situated north of Haifa . I have ?K?O presuming Under Milk Wood for 27 down is correct and Goodman for 42 down...
Help please . Stuck on 2 . 5 across . Historic region of the northern Indian subcontinent . I have ?I???S??N 40 down. Manorial steward . I have R?E?E is this reeve ? Many thanks
Does anybody think it would help if there was a drop-down menu where the Question title box is ? It could have the most popular ones that appear on here and the choice of filling it in if it doesn't ....
Hi and good morning to you all . Can someone confirm that 1 down is CLOSURE please . I have ?L?S??E the clue is A final resolution to a circumstance affection an individual. Many thanks
Hi , and good morning to you all . Could someone confirm that 10 down is GARNiSHEE ? I have ?A?N?S?E? lengthy clue . Method of recovering money owed in a court case by ordering a third party who owes...
I have added to the AB's ED posting , see zles/Question277166.html at present there has been no response to it regards
Help please . Stuck on 2 16 down . Clue is Hardly ? I have U???S?L? Is it Uneasily ? 19 across Clue is Lady I name during test on the way back . I have ?A?I?e ( e is if uneasily if right ) many thanks
Would it be benificial for everone if there was a FAQ's heading on the left hand side which would show people who are new to the site how to go about posting ( especially ALL questions together ) and...
Help please , stuck on 2 . 1 Down Clue is ...... Brothers : master glass-makers of the 19th. century . I have ?H?N?E 6 Down Clue is Slang word for worthless or silly talk , presume it is BLAH , anyone...