answers are based in the area of B'ham and would like your help please 1 Whose slogan was once 'write for prices'? 2 What was the austin mini once called? 3 For what would you use a poss stick and...
I have an Hitachi KH-35D dab radio and I cannot get the dab to work and reception of fm whilst it works is poor. Other fm radios work fine in the house. Unfortunately it is out of warranty. Could...
I am trying to contact Talex by email and by phone and fail to get an answer. Is anyone else having the same problem and if not what phone number are you using please. Very frustrating
Help please with some ideas on these. Each answer begins with a P or Q Patrick and Richard's pal 7 letters PS A BASIC LOOP 5 & 7 letters Q (author) 7 - 5 letters Peter U. Ralph 6 7 5 letters Novel by...
I copy DVD's via Shrink 3.2 to my hard drive. When I open up the file and attempt to burn in Nero Startsmart for some reason Nero won't let me 'Burn' which is 'greyed-out'. Is there a way to overcome...
Problem is when i try to play a DVD on my Computer the vision is alright but there is no sound. Your help would be appreciated please. Using XP via Media Player
I have had to reformat XP. On re-installing I find this scanner isn't now accepted by the programme. It worked well before. Any ideas how I can solve the problem please?
AVG asked their free version users to upgrade by a specified date. I did this but unfortunately during the upgrade I clicked on the paid for version which had a period of free time. This ran out and...
Does anyone else have the problem about this cleaner in that it keeps cutting out all he time after limited use? The bag isn't the problem. Obviously a thermostat! I assume Hoover haven't any sales in...