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I have a rose in my garden which was there when I moved in and I don't know what kind it is. I pruned it in early spring as I would for a non climbing rose. This summer it put on loads of growth and...
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HI I dont know if this is the right section but here goes, my husband and i are trying to find his family, he was adopted at birth and currently looking for his older sister and any other younger...
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When is the best time to prune southern wood?
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I have Verbena Bonariensis and i want more of them,will it self seed or do i have to devide it? Thanks
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Can anyone help? My washing machine has been fine and the clothes always come out smelling nicely of conditioner. Someone told me the other day that you should put your empty machine on a 90 degree...
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I have recently started weaning my daughter, and am using the odd jar of Hipp baby food. Unfortunately I am having problems removing some food stains which I think are caused by either turmeric or...
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Hi. First winter in house with pond plus goldfish in garden. Should we be doing anything about the long leaves (look like gladioli leaves) that are turning brown?
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Could someone please help me identify a shrub, please? Dark green leaves much larger than the white flowers which are like tiny bells on individual stalks off the leaf stalks. Extremely fragrant,...
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this year i have gained an allotment on which is a thornless blackberry plant.does anyone know how and when i should prune it? i would be most grateful for any help. thanks.
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I have just collected a number of juniper berries from the trees that grow here in the mountains of Serbia. Are they likely to germinate if I plant them? Any special treatment?
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Messing with my daughter we planted garlic bulbs from the kitchen as they looked a bit old. They have now got green tops about 5 inches long sprouting from the top. Will they be edible? and how do we...
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What plants would be good to use in a bed that is quite shady and damp
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jack daniels
Everytime I do the washing, I end up with bits of powder still on all the clothes after they've been washed. I've tried other powders. Doesn't matter if it's a cool/hot wash & i've tried using water...
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I have a beech hedge and a leylandii hedge which have both become a bit too big. Can I be ruthless when cutting them back and when is the best time to do it?
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Hi there I wonder if anyone could help with a recipe for sweet tomato and chilli chutney and also spicy onion chutney. I have some of these from Waitrose, and its yummy, but would like to make my own...
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I have a lovely Hydrangea in a pot, I would like to move it to the flowerbed .When is the best time to do this Please?
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I have put my jam in the tupperware pots. How long will it keep? I suppose I'll have to give it all away :( If I get some jars tomorrow, would that work? I really appreciate your advice! x
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what is the best time to plant these? Thanks
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Just about to plant out a new garden but am plagued with rabbits, any advice on shrubs that the pesky little things don't like would be appreciated, TIA, JD
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I am planning on buying my 1st sewing machine soon, and learning how to use it. I don't want to spend flipping great wodges of cash, so can anyone recommend features I should look for? Or if you know...

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