I saw this picture http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0373889/Ss/0373 889/4760r.jpg.html?path=gallery&path_key=03738 89 on imdb, does anyone know which character its meant to be?
How much Notice do you have to give in a job if all you're wanting to do is swap shifts on 3 days? (still working those days but you just cant work till the end). I am 18 & work in a clothes shop, i...
i work the same hours and shift, and do the same job as two other people at my work but they both get paid more than me (one is male). can i take this further? any advice would be great. thanks
i've been out of work now for three years...which as you can imagine leaves a mighty big gap on your CV...does anyone have any ideas of how to phrase this on a CV? I have had a real soap opera couple...
With Bonfire night and (the dreaded word) christmas just around the corner can anyone offer any advice on how to help stop my puupy being scared of the noisy fireworks?