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What does Bravia mean on Sony TVs?
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Okay, okay... I know it didn't get won, but just pretend. You won and you are going to buy gifts for your fellow abers.... what are you going to buy and for whom? I'd buy Bobjugs his own A-Team Van. A...
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Nose Hair
Lets just say a friend of mine was a bit drunk and cheated on his wife and video recoreded it. He didn't actually have sex (not that I see any difference in this) but were doing everything else...
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"today i did something that i can be proud of"??? i cant really....
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Who would it be? I might be tempted if Zac Goldsmith came-a-knocking... :-)...
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It seems to me that happiness to most people means,,,,,,,,,,If they have a partner they are happy, and if you don't have a partner they are unhappy!,,,,,,,,Is this true for you?
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why do men think that a woman should be a sucker?.
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Because of my inflammed ear which hurts when I eat, especially chewy stuff I haven't eaten much recently and at the moment i'm starving (had a sandwich and a banana at about 5pm) what nice, sweet...
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http://www.theanswerb...k/Question940165.html you were pretty keen to get your 'abuse' "put to bed". why can't you stop having a dig at me then? http://www.theanswerb...k/Question943231.html...
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I would make sure every 18 yr old had to do a stint in the Armed Forces for two years, male and female. it works in Turkey, Israel and a few other countries, I think this would instill in people good...
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big time?
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Know this should be on food but you get more ABers here. I like to buy thick cut bacon but no matter where I purchase it is still too thin for me. My neighbour told me to go the local butcher where...
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1) love at first sight? 2) magic? 3) life after death? 4) seeking revenge? 5) speaking your mind?...
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Hey there :)
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All that's left is 1 dressing gown, 5 pairs of grundies and 4 pairs of socks.
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I was just looking on an opinions/chat website and am shocked to read that if you eat 'the wrong way round', it's considered rude. Well I am right handed and I eat with my knife in my left and fork in...
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I have tried many times to get into my Hotmail account but it will not accept my password which is correct. I then tried to re-set my password but was denied even though i answered the security...
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Confused of Menorca. When a male admits to adultery on AB, he is "tongue lashed(figuratively) and insulted. When a female admits to adultery on AB, it is "passed...
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My children never had a stepdad

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