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4d: Roll using acceleration, stopper needed. 4 letters. ?u?e
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Help, stuck on 16 Down. Scolding 9 letters --e-gya-n
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Awa wi’ it byte add his heid ?o?a?e...
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i know this is a no asking quiz but this last 2 out of 80 if driving me nuts looking for any help you can give thanks and i know it'll cause a lot of miss feeling 13. How's about doing this with Hank...
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flight-descent path? ea????e
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Laugh 5, enemy 3, X 3 If have foe and ten but cannot find the right one for laugh. All the answers form a place in the world, not necessarily spent the same, just sound the same. Many thanks...
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1d)??????E?A?? .. Fish paste the French promote 26a) ??A?G? .. Beasts leading men around Angolas capital Thank you x...
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Hi all, the only answer I can think of for 8A is "Pet Paw" Clue is: "When it's raining cats and dogs? (3,3). I have : P-T / -A- Thanks for any help...
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just need one more answer to finish my puzzle. 65a Bonehead seen with angry femurs. {5} s?u?l many thanks in advance...
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14 across clear spake mensefu L -C-D Lucid possibly??...
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Is 6d gunwales? If so why? If not then what? Thanks.
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Quiz-historical and geographical global events- 8 letters
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65a Bonehead seen with angry femurs (5) s?u?l could it be skull or scull thanks...
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eg pig drill answer boar and bore 7. row head only thing i can think of is scull and skull 14. still paper...
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No tonic in this place of trial (9) Place...
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24 Stones from here cannot be used like tongs on your hair (5,5) 25 Possibly another word for grooms (8) 30 Sadly, not still at war with Russia over Crimea (7) Really struggling with last three, any...
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2/ Cheap US store (4 3 4 ) rhymes with Maritime 5/ Unwanted financial results when catches go astray ( 3 6) Rhymes with Double crosser . 4/ b Word that can join onto dep. imp and folk to make new...

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