Dear PM, None of that will make an iota of difference. You have to stop them getting here and boot out the ones... ...
Are the herd of Brexiteers on AB ready for this one. Sit down quietly in a chair put seat belt on and brace.. The latest You Gov Poll shows that five years after Brexit became official. The... ...
On another thread Naomi insists that they have but won't discuss it any further and won't cite any sort of evidence so I thought I'd open it up for a wider discussion. So what do you think and what... ...
Back to the dentist this morning for an impression of my gums. He said I could pay for the treatment in dribs and drabs or all at once. I decided to bite the bullet(or rather gum the bullet) and get... ...
Politicians have dithered over this for years. Is the fact that this government has decided to bite the bullet and go ahead with it a sign they're ready to do what's necessary to prompt economic... ... Everything this man does, it seems to me, to be against the interests of the British public. ...
From a BBC article today The policing body added that it can cost around £1,000 a month to keep an XL bully in a kennel. A monthly State pension £884.80
Does he/she actually decide anything that you couldn't have determined was necessary yourself? I went to my GP with a problem this morning. After a brief examination he said "I'll refer you for a... ...