There was a debate going on with work colleagues recently, and one guy said do you know you can be fined for emptying a small swimming pool down the drain, actually its not big enough to swim in,... ...
Mr BM got some vouchers for so many years at his company so he bought a Ninja Creami for me (without asking, he just thought I might like one). So later on I shall be messing about with ice... ...
Well, just a few more bits to sort and then off I head to Devon! It's about a 4.5 - 5 hrs drive, so long enough. Due to work issues etc I will be driving the bulk of the journey whilst MrSmow will... ...
Year in year out the TV chefs line up to educate us all how to cook the turkey their way. I see the first expert performing his skills on sky this morning. So the question is, do you need this... ...
I often visit charity shops / second hand shops, and it would be more than possible to furnish a 2 bed house/ flat for around £1000 including white goods if you set your mind to it and be... ...
Not successfully thank goodness. Daughter and her partner being driven back from day trip to a wildlife park. Already dark...suddenly a rock shatters the window on my daughter's side. Glass... ...