hi help needed all answers have a number in the title 42 Tcptg-bb 45 hcmeactT-ds 48 Ttf-ac 52 Tp-sd 55itT-mgatt 56hbsS-ns 57 gTs-aata 58 Oscth-scj 66 mnF-lb 69Sds-bf thanks in advance the capital...
38A. Term used in nineteen84 by g orwell for the ability to hold two conflicting views simultanaeously, have doublespeak. 24 D. behold now ????????, (Job 40:15)
My first is in tick but not in tock my second is in sheep but not in shock my third is a vowel used most of all my fourth is in peep and also in pop my whole was wide and also tall and meant to be a...
17 across. Drag English racing toboggan - U - E Thanks in anticipation, also 16 Down, interesting irem of copper item from south american port c - r - o
Last two ,help appreciated 1) No option R???S?L 2) Plant female goes without we hear ??A? (first letter of this one is third letter of above) Thank you
is there a word for someone, who, against all evidence, believes that the opposite is true. I.E. Someone who believes the earth is flat, even though all evidence proves it is round.