So Sue Gray has been moved sideways, to what seemingly seems like a made up job on probably the same salary if not more. I bet the position ill be withdrawn as soon as Ms Grey decides to... ...
Asking a question for my neighbour who bought a car on a private sale, but took out finance to cover the cost of the car. Shes only had it 6 weeks but so far shes had to buy a new battery which... ...
I’ve had my new car for 7 weeks. I have it parked on my driveway when not in use. As we live in a terraced property, our leasehold neighbours are having exterior wall insulation. They said the... ...
13A Help for official in left-leaning party, mostly (1,1,1) V?R 1D American brings up timeless, revolutionary writer (6). Looks like ASIMOV. Can't parse it.
Received a letter to say that they couldn't get a view of the ovary (received this by GP) so more gynaecologists test will be done at the hospital. Me I want to know what these tests consister of -... ...
Without going too far back in the dark ages, wax, 8 track, etc. I'd like to focus this topic on the relatively modern formats for music such as Vinyl Cassette , CD, Mini Disc. But here comes the... ...
Can't stand the programme to be honest, but my good lady likes to skip through it on iPlayer. Two rooms away and I can still hear the 'corncrake' screeching away. And how is it everybody's short of... ...
At the time of writing 4 out of 6 in the latest Posts are the default avatar. So come on defaulters, let's introduce a little more variety with some imaginative avatars.
Many thanks in advance, as ever. All answers have 7 letters. 16. Ma rang a mixture as one of these. (I think begin with m) 18. Watch pal pour making him much admired. 19. Composer drank champagne... ...
9) Sneak into a place in order to steal . I at present have "raid" but a raid doesn't necessarily need to be sneaked into to steal so wondered if any one could come up with any other word with... ...
My grandson wants to cook a beef stroganoff for his mother. The recipe needs beef stock but he won't be making his own. a He wants a quick solution such as a stock cube or stock pot. Would either... ...
There may be an extra letter in the wordplay. It's an alphabetical "jigsaw" grid so crossers no use yet... Instrument performing central parts in concerto (6) C????? Compose letter descrining female... ...