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Canary42   ...
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Was on the ferry last night and tried to get the lift down to the car deck as I find stairs difficult. after waiting ages one finally turned up but when it turned up it was full of elderly people... ...
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Is there an organisation that I could report to regarding to an elderly person being bullied to hand over money on a regular basis. 
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How wrong can you be? ...
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Good evening, all!   I hope that you’re all ready for Crimbo!   A poor start for me this week, with a score of just TWO out of seven in the main quiz:...
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I saw my very first urban fox last night in york city centre.  Do you have many foxes near you?.
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A famous artist once painted the view from his lounge window. A friend dropped by, saw the picture and remarked that the painter had omitted a tree on the lawn. The artist went outside and... ...
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I am trying to play Blossom using your link What is meant to happen when you enter a word.   I just get a score of 0 and empty flower pots!! Thank you in advance x
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Yesterday got a cleaner for my house who lives quite near me.  She done a fabulous job and was here for about nearly 3 hours.  Done the whole house but I have a lot of glass windows and I asked... ...
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I know that people generally dislike lawyers as overpaid, pond bottom dwellers but putting that aside for a minute, I am just interested in people's views. If you were involved in litigation and... ...
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Rollaway cars – i.e. cars with no-one in them which kill/injure people.  The link covers only one example in USA, but from it I’ve gleaned the following, which spooked me.  - - - - - - - - - - - -... ...
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What are they wanting? It was an infectious virus that could be dangerous to the old and the vulnerable. People were obviously going to die, we can't save everyone. There's no point in moaning... ...
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//When a 69-year-old with a weakened prostate parked in a layby to have a "discreet" wee he ended up being handed an £88 fine for "littering". While many might consider urinating in public -... ...
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In 1492, C S the O B
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Trying to find where my mum is buried (long story).I know her full name, d.o.b and d.o.d, plus county she lived and died in.  I don't have her full last address or the date of funeral.....every... ...
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The R R is 1230 K L
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I office share with 8 others.  One of the top top managers came in with his Christmas present for us all just now.  It's a Pukka tea bag advent calendar with one tea bag per day, but we're 7 days... ...
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The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour...the sleeping giant was know the rest. Isoroku Yamamoto: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible... ...
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I got a driving lesson later my mum is home today and don't know I'm learning so what do I say when I go out?

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