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// Nick Clegg is already coming under pressure to adopt a more confrontational stance towards the Tories as results show that the Liberal Democrats have taken an electoral battering in all parts of...
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Anybody see this? 39 points and still driving! Might be an idea to stay out of Wiltshire.
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Why are the media referring to the fact that when William is king his wife will be Queen Catherine? How can this be when The Queen is accompanied by Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh and not by...
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I've got a Renault Laguna and recently went on a long trip. I noticed that when braking it started to vibrate quite a lot. Now at any speed braking causes this vibrating. Last week it went in to have...
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After sending my License back to the DVLA to be issued with a tempory License as i am a type 1 diabetic,they sent my License back which now last for 3 years. Upon looking at my new License Found that...
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AB Editor
Today is the day of the referendum on the UK's voting system between AV and FPTP.
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CanisMajor Looks like the "NO" campaign are winning the argument. Have the public finally seen through this crackpot idea?...
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anotheoldgit Is Pakistan still worth the £650m we hand out to them?...
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Ian Tomlinson was unlawfully killed by a Metropolitan Police officer at the G20 protests, an inquest jury has said. The 47-year-old collapsed and died after he was hit by a baton and pushed to the...
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With regard to the various conspiracy theories that some have said Osama Bin Laden was some sort of a US agent or an "inside man" with US itself being behind 9/11 attacks, how would all this...
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Can you be done for speeding on a bicycle? For example doing 40mph in a 30mph zone.
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Just watching Steve D talking about it on the TV, it seems now that virtually any failure to hit the object ball is declared a miss and they are talking about the idea of replacing that with "a...
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Now leads 11 - 8. Given how hard he often hits the ball is he not risking damage to his cue tip? If it splits or falls off what can he do? Do the top players have a second cue that they can use?
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Old debate, I know, but do you think that the national anthem should be changed? I'm not a republican, nor indeed any way anti-royal, but I would like a national anthem that lauds the country and its...
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On News 24 there was an interview with one of Clintons former operatives and he said that Clinton was given 7 chances to capture or Kill Bin Laden long before 911. How many could have been saved if...
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sandyRoe that the body they dumped in the sea at least got the rudiments of a proper funeral?
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That Osama should be killed on the very day that there is No other News at all ?
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Rev. Green
When a high-energy photon forms an electron/positron pair the electrons always have the same mass, charge, etc. Why? If you sent dough to several locations to be made into loaves, the loaves would all...
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Just seen an Aston Martin in Surrey, registration 007 770 ... who does it belong to ??
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Well we've had the Hurricane, the whirlwind, so can anyone think of a nick name for the new wonderboy?

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