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geronimo 50
i amthinking of buying Tom Tom this has no cd. will i need the disc
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I have ?35 in my pay pal account. I need to transfer ?35 to my sister on pay pal. Will it use the ?35 in my PP account or take it out of my bank instead?? xx
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captains log
Elo, elo,elo. Summers coming here soon welcome mr blue sky. Clocks spring forward soon
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did he ever meet another vehicle on those narrow roads? im not a hard core fan so was wondering how he coped with this
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when the tunnels were dug for the underground in London, where did all the spoil go....all that clay/soil/rock/other stuff from so many stations, tubes, escalators, flood defence much to...
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how does wembly roof work
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leg ender where r u me ol mucker?
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captains log
So just why is this big chip on your shoulder then it must be awfully unbalancing for you.
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Are you a knob jockey in real life or do you just save it for here ?
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Are you a sexual deviant and internet stalker. Every single area on here has you spouting your bollox about someone. Obviously didn't get laid last night
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captains log
Nice but dim.
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captains log
A doctor in the house. As I have just split my sides laughing at some of the oxymorons on here.
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captains log
I must get a new watch as I cant tell the time. The pubs are nearly open. Shame I wont be going in one today.
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captains log
Legend can I for one day please take over your word for the day. Cheers. Knobbys word for today is COWARD. Now that conjures up to me names like elvis,dabees,whiffy,monkeysh1t,newssh1t, sir prix, The...
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i didnt know legs of lamb wore condoms bought a joint yesterday and it had a green cap on its leg wat do oyu think guys was it a male lamb and it came with a sex warning to females lol its true tho a...
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captains log
Theres a whiffey aboot. Beware you have been warned.
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captains log
Im being stalked by trolls. Is there any cure for this cant we just put them out their misery humanly by euthanasias. I need input help.
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captains log
Hook line and trolled. Got a couple leg you want me to toy with them for a while then you can take over the rod.
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Well here is Songs of Praise , sung sweetly ....with a slight change . :-) xxxxxx
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Offff to the shop. Busy day today. As you no doubt know im offf to inflict pain on some smalll animals , help evict an old lady from her house and send a few local kids to the workhouse. Oh and send...

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