Did anyone hear Grodon Brown this morning say that we should pay exorbitant fees for parking, telephones and TV in hospital because we get the beds and treatment free! When I had my chemo I had to pay...
I am setting up some quiz questions and would like to find a website where I can find famous old newspaper headlines. Does anyone know of where I might find one? Thanks in advance carolegif
Last clue! 12a University of Michigan Seat. I have looked on Google and Yahoo, but cannot get the answer. Even got a site for their research into child booster seats!! Thanks in advance carolegif
Having just watched Geraldine McEwan play Miss Marple,in Agatha Christie's "Sleeping Murder",and having seen Joan Hickson (infinitely superior) in the same story some years ago;can anyone tell me...
can anyone give me an acurate definition of socialism and what countrys use this method.or if anyone can give me a website address that would answer my questions that would be appriciated too.
I always thought the message of this poem was "remember me, but don't grieve", but on closer reading it looks far more sinister because of the "darkness and...
Why are so many of you in such a hurry to answer fellow puzzlers problems? Most of the answers requested are for prize bearing puzzles, crosswords etc. The more entries correctly sent in surely lower...
Hello, I have recently given up my job to concentrate essentially on my Canvas painting and Art. The lack of inspiration isn't the problem but the lack of space is. I have tried to look for a place on...
If the only method of commincation man/women had was the method of action , that is to say to try to do some thing to show there intent. Do you think man kind would survive, would we have reached this...