What's the purpose of Windows Live ID? Sometimes when I'm browsing my computer files a box pops up telling me to sign in Windows Live ID? Why should I? There's no 'don't ask me again' box to check. Is...
I've read through previous threads on here about statins. I'm wondering if anyone who posed a question made any changes or were prescribed different makes of statins to solve some of the side effects...
I am desperately trying to lose weight to fit into a bridesmaid's dress for my sisters wedding in July. I've tried all of the diets; the Atkins, the cabbage, baby food, smaller portions etc. I'm 12...
Does anyone know roughly how much these companies who buy your house from you immediately offer you for your house in comparison to market value? We rang Decision Homes and they wanted to charge ?500...
Do any of the web based emails offer a read receipt or delivery acknowledgement facility? I have Yahoo (free), considering changing to Yahoo Plus (pay) but these options aren't available. I've...
I use Yahoo mail via the website (can't get it to work in Outlook or OE). That's not my problem. What is, is the advertising banner on the right hand side - I know there's an arrow which allows you to...