I heard somebody on the news saying that the protests in the US are all part of a leftist plan to make the US a communist annexe of Russia. How would this be a consequence of the protests?
Or is it the other way round.
Perhaps the bias manipulation of news is why some people are anti Trump.
Worth listening to.
https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/05/politics/donald-trump-friday-economy-trump-press-conference/index.html This time, he links the death of a murdered citizen, reactions to which are burning his...
Would you say GOD is to blame for all he suffering in the word to day . And if you do {AND WHY }
THE bibles answer to this question ? ? 2 Corinthias 11. 14 Ezekiel 28. 13,15...
Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns: Part 1: Introduction and Death Counts and Estimates Kindle Edition by Alex Berenson (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. Well worth a look. Putting things...
The way I read his comments are you know what you get from his President whereas the Hilary Clintons and their supporters are the real threat and snakes in the grass who stir up hatred.. Some...
Hi, My OH is after a miniature Dutch hoe for small stuff. The full size ones are anything between 12 and 15 cm but he needs one about half that size. We have looked all over the place, even children’s...
Yeah OK no wonder you clicked on "read" He didnt of course - (Trimp) - nowhere near but nonetheless America Burns ( well 80 bits of it) and there is no visible thread what does Answerbank think of the...
Rachel Johnson seems to be bending the lockdown rules a bit.
I don't intend to break them but others probably will be encouraged to do so. What do you think?
(sorry I can't do a link)...
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8373613/Nicola-Sturgeon-accuses-England-reporting-care-home-deaths.html?ito=push-notification&ci=16865&si=8020936 this person is so Anti English , anti...
so much for self distancing, i wonder how many in that crowd are infected..