Please can anyone help me with these? 10,React confused in that direction (9) 14,Capital Landmark (7) 22,Granny has a degree (6) 27,Inflexible carbon (5) 29, A sugary crop (9) 31,Floor covering fitted...
All answers are,or contain a seasonal word. 30,A steep,tall cliff.9 letters. 56,Sport for hairdressers.7 letters. 57, Medium in "ghost"6 and 8 letters. 58,Midnight mass on TV from here,5 and 7...
I am stuck on these four if anyone can please help me.
10.Inside paper,9 letters.
72, River UVWX?Z,3 letters.
79,You Won't sink here.4 and 3 letters.
88,Deepest water anywhere,8 and 6 letters....
37,Warm clothing 8 letters. 39,American rock band.5,2,4 letters. 49,Suermarket and country.7 letters. 52,EU city shoot,8,6 letters. 66,Mail without a cover,8 letters. 74,Coffee shop,9 letters thankyou...
answers contain a seasonal word. 6,A bird to follow.8 letters. 11,Auctioneers.........9 letters 27,Here! 7 letters.30, A steep,tall cliff.9 letters. 32.Musical train,9 and 7 letters. Any help will I...
iPlease can anyone explain the following question
no.50, He deals only in top-shelf publications it seems.(10)I have pawnbroker but cant see the connection.Thankyou....
18,floor or wall covering and a christian symbol (4,5) 30,Can be milk or cream and deposit cash here (7) 41,Can be planted in garden,sounds like a question (5) 50,Textile sellers,area of agricultural...
Please help if you can,trying to complete december quizzes. 31,Sounds as if Miss Winslet hesitates to meet the queen (7) 32,Polite with it but a domestic neverless (5,7). 33,She finds herself in the...
Please can anyone help me with no.69.
Stretch of usually safe water for ships between the east coast and scroby sands (8 5) I have an answer but the letters don't fit.Thankyou in anticipation....
I need a little help with these if anyone can please help! 22,Used by Mods and Rockers (7) 28,Drifting along (4 6) 40,Mucking about (5) 43,Thames Attraction (5 3) 47,Fish in here?(4) 48,No engine here...
Please can anyone help me with these last three. 16 South Stop Street? 36 Tidy Clothes Here. 40 Empty space in this area.Ive studied the map for so long I think I can recite them all,but cannot...
I am needing help on the above quiz please.
44,Provides ink to contact pals (2 words)
77,Cheers at a school for education.
any help will be greatly appreciated....
Stuck on one in the story.
If she told me once she had told me ----(4) times before.I have many but cant find a household cleaning product of that name.Thankyou for any help...