I went past this yesterday, on the way back from Cornwall. Being bored, I got to thinking 'what do they actually do?' I had visions of massive code-breaking computers, top-notch mathmeticians spending...
Coming back from Cornwall, I drove though this yesterday rush hour. The wife wasn't impressed - thought it was a waste of money. I thought it might have improved things. So I thought I'd ask some...
I see that for the umpteenth year running girls have more/better a-level grades than boys. Which means, in turn, that girls will be more likely than boys to get into university. This seems to be sex...
This one is really aimed at any Land Rover owners - I don't think any other cars have aluminium bodies, but I'll wait to be corrected... My '96 Disco is just starting to show the little white/grey...
A hypothetical question, this, I haven't had an accident! A t-junction, with minor side-road joining major. Car wanting to turn right out of side-road, nothing on main road to left, but traffic coming...
(Another pointless fly question) How come flies are just so good at flying in formation with something? Have you noticed that frequently, when a fly is hassling you, if you move, the fly can keep...
Many sites (EG ebay) use IP addresses to identify users and prospective users. I have 2 ebay IDs and I know that ebay know they are both the same person. This is how they are able to link IDs and...
(Hope the title makes sense!) How would I find out how the total of a person's estate was made up? I have obtained a copy of the will, from the Probate Office, and all it has is the total of the...
Would you hear a supersonic aircraft approaching you? So, if you were trying to shoot it down, it would be here and gone before you even knew about it? I think I know the theoretical answer to this...
As a result of the recent 'honours for cash' scandal, it looks a distinct possibility that Mr Blair could well be arrested. Have any previous UK Prime Ministers even been arrested? Have any ever been...
I cut some up yesterday teatime, since then I have washed my hands several times, watered my allotment (involving getting my hands wet) and had a shower. Just rubbed my eye and it's burning! How can...
Anyone know the legal situation as regards a badger sett in one's shed? One (or more) seem to have set up home in one of my dad's sheds. The shed isn't used regularly, hence they've had opportunity....
Well, we didn't get much sleep last night. Next door has 4 dogs, which include one bitch and one dog, both intact. So, every month, he has to separate them. He's put the bitch in a cage in the back of...
No category for religion, so I picked People as closest. This is a serious question, and I don't want any racist or reactionary remarks, thank you. Last week(-ish), in Iraq, a suicide bomber walked...
Well, I think it's a butterfly, it had butterfly-shaped wings, and flew like a butterfly, so I don't think it was a moth. I've never seen one before and I've had a look through loads of UK butterfly...
Anybody any ideas as to why nature/selection settled upon 5 as the optimum number of fingers/toes per limb? (Please don't sink to saying 'I only have 4'). This design is quite widespread, I believe,...
Given the earlier question, I think mine is a fair one. By 'thin' I'm meaning people who don't eat enough or properly enough to keep themselves healthy IE anorexics, and possibly bulemics. I do...