There doesn't seem to be a good place to post this. My husband has some cameras, an enlarger and dark room equipment, bought in the late 60s, early 70s. With digital photography these are probably...
my father has had a stroke and we are now worried that if he has another one, he might need to go into a nursing home. Can anyone tell me is there a way we can avoid selling his house to pay for the...
Can you tell us what you think the key issues facing Barclays are at present and what some of the opportunities to the organisation are ? (250 words max)
Not a legal question, but cant think where else to put it. If the '&' symbol is asperand and '*' is asterisk etc. What is the correct typographical term for the '@' (at) symbol?
I am 38 years old female and I am am becoming so totally disillusioned with the UK, where I live (Southampton). All I seem to read about are murders etc, immigrants etc - it seems as if the country...
my husband has made a rabbit hutch for outside how high off the floor does it has to be we have had rats in the garden before so would we have to have it really high or what
hello i have put down an anti cat product for a few months on the areas the cats use but seem now to ignore it as there using my garden again as a toilet is there any real detterent i can buy with out...
i would like to learn how to bypass a server because my school server doesn't allow me to go to certain sites. try ebay!! It also doesn't allow me to play games online like battlefield 2. please help
I have just been reading on MSN home page that fur is making a big come-back, with Gautier & Dior among the big names triumphing its return. Would you buy a garment with fur on? Is buying vintage fur...
I am taking a car on the 4000-mile Plymouth-Dakar old banger rally across the sahara to Gambia. If I get a puncture in my tubeless tyres, can I simply put in a tube, having removed the valve in the...
If anyone is arrested these days, they have to provide a sample of their DNA. Why should they have to do this? Your DNA is probably the most personal thing about you. It IS you! You should only have...
Hi, I recently (5months ago) finished Uni and I am finding it really hard to find a job in the sector i wish to work (advertising/PR/marketing) despite getting a 1st class degree. Potential employers...
Help - can anyone tell me how to stop pop ups (mainly debt cos and casino). They are driving me MAD!! Thanks. PS in very simple terms please as I am no whizz kid!
I catch the train quite often and today thought: <p>On a train of 4 carriages, if each has an engine, how does each know how much power to exert? i.e. if the second carriage was putting out less...
Can decayed teeth be reversed/saved without fillings/extraction? If so, how? My boyfriend has a tooth that has chipped slightly due to decay, but he's got a great fear of the dentists and refuses to...
We have five 4 month old Mallard ducks in the grounds of our Park Home, they have been abandoned by their Mother and are now very tame with the people feeding them here. Unfortunately, the local fox...