I already have 3 points on my licence for a speeding fine. Last Monday I went through some road works, I though some road works on the M4 westbound (Eastbound had been cancelled due to bank holiday)...
my partner becomes bankcrupt due to bad credit cards debit, what would it happen to my house if mortgage is only on my name, can creditors caution aganist the property to sell in future?
This stuff that comes into effect tonight: I can understand why it would wish to prevent recruiting being directly influenced by age, but is it true it is no longer possible to advertise for...
why would a seller choose to hide the names of the people bidding on their items, and also hide the listings purchased by all their previous buyers on their feedback? doesn't this just allow them to...
If, for personal reasons, you have to leave a job without giving the customary one month's notice, what are the various consequences which might ensue ?
if you fell head over heels in love, would you be prepared to drop everything; your job, your home etc to relocate in another part of the country and give it a go?
Can anyone help - We moved to our farm last year and the perimeter has those dreaded trees round it - they are approx. 30ft high but only the tops are green and so do not really stop the gales!! - A...
Where can I get a large glass picture frame approx 1mx80cm? I am looking for the type without an edge, just plain glass. I have been to B&Q but they dont seem to do one that big.
As this government woefully underestimated the influx of Eastern Europeans last time around (10% of all people in Southampton are Poles according to the TV news last week), what is the best way to...
What would be the best way to drink without vomiting? It's kind of a weird and slightly embarrassing question, but as of late, no matter how much alcohol I consume in one night I don't feel tipsy or...
My partner has relocated for work. I have been with him for 3 yrs 8 months. So he now lives over 100 miles away. When he took the job (with a high profile company) he never discussed how it would...
I have recently applied for a 2 month contract online using an agency that specialises in I.T recruitment. The agency got back to me and explained that I would have to contact some 'Umbrella'...
I am a crossdresser and get sooo embarrassed when I buy clothes in shops. What I would like to know is do shop assistants think me rediculous, amusing or just another customer? I almost faint and can...
Until May 2006 i worked for an agency, called [edited by AB], based in Rotherham. They had a contract with a company called [edited by AB], who i did work for. [edited by AB] went bust due...
When I moved into my new house there was already a security light fitted at the back which is very handy when coming home after dark. However it got switched off once and now when I switch it on it...
HI, Im in England and have bought a mis-represented item off ebay from a guy in Jersey. As the item was sold for 1p but the postage was ?150 I have no recourse via paypal etc and despite Special...