Morning all, We have a new newsletter. You can find it here: We're hoping to do short, micro-newsletters, with bits and bobs from the site and from around the...
Interested to know where most of the questions come from and from whom.
Me, female, early sixties, south coast of England.
Is this a practical question?...
just got back from cambridge, where i had to get a new mobile - as mine decided to start malfunctioning i popped in to marks & spencer to pick up something to eat this evening and saw 'pineapple and...
My passport runs out in 2015 and I have no plans as yet to travel abroad next year. With all the problems at the passport office, would it be a good idea to renew now/earlier than 2015 ?
Have you been on one? If so which did you try? Me and OH are planning on going on one but there is so many to choose from. He quite fancies the real Mary kings close but if it's just limited to one...
Hi I have imaginary friends but I honestly didn't think it was that weird until my real friend said it was. Is it? Or is he messing with me? I have quite a few but Duncan, Aaron, Makoto and Not are... What a great idea, I wonder if...
I am really struggling with this heat. It is a nightmare. I have a 2 year old indoor female cat called Ria who I love with all my heart. I am wondering how she keeps cool. I have all the windows open...
Got back home this morning from Co Donegal with my new baby. She's 11 weeks old and was as good as gold for the whole journey, bless her. We've called her 'Brienne' after Brienne of Tarth, big, blonde...
I don't know if this has been posted already, but it saddened me dreadfully when this was on the radio news
Yesterday afternoon I came home from a shopping trip and was amused to see a wood pigeon sitting quietly next to one of Mr O's ornamental sheep. A couple of hours later I was heading out again and saw...
My stepson is coming with us to Cyprus in September, so he applied for his first passport, and had to go for an interview today. After answering lots of questions, some of which he was not sure of ,...
Is there anything I can do to deter the cat from catching mice and depositing them in our garden. I should be grateful that the little blighters do not make it into the house but having trodden on a...
(inspired by a comment from Lie-In King - well, you gotta blame someone!)
Which 2 ab'ers would you put in the same room?
Which ab'er would you like to share a room with?