A blessing or a nuisance? Increasing independence or encouraging idleness and a dependence on the scooter? There are very few scooters anywhere else in Europe (I've been in Ireland, Spain and Portugal...
Does anyone remember the really cheesy topless pie/quiche that we used to get for school dinner? I loved it, especially if the top was slightly overdone! Are there any ex-school cooks out there that...
Just a bit of a rant here - I alarmingly read at most of the answers some of ABers give to others re "please go to the doctors" to me, at the drop of a hat - I, like most of them try to avoid them as...
Well have just finished off cleaning my windows - back ones are massive - like shop windows - they are just dazzling.
I use WD window cleaner from Lidl. Nice tip. I love it....
My bf and I have been together 5 and a half years now and he has always said he doesnt want children. I fell pregnant 3 yrs ago bit had an abortion because he was in the middle of his accountancy...
....to repay the taxpayers says Iain Duncan Smith. // Welfare cheats will be forced to sell their homes and pay higher fines to reimburse taxpayers for the money they have wrongly claimed, under...
Do you think they have feelings? Get upset and lonely at being ignored? I hate the things and very few of us use it because we like the chatter and gossip...but in a short queue at my little store...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2588690/Two-carers-slap-jab-humiliate-brain-damaged-patient-Priory-hospital.html I know it's the DM but these stories of abuse from care home staff crop up time...
Just been reading this - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2586553/The-real-terrifying-story-Sophie-baby-cheated-death-haunts-her.html?login#newcomment An oversized jacket, getting emotional...
Although this subject is about motoring I'm sure it will be a good talking point, are you ready for this? " Who owns your car" It opened my eyes to find out when I started to look into it....
Thank you to everyone who responded to my thread about my little grandson not hearing properly. Sadly the little man passed away yesterday, suspected cot death. He was only 4 months old. As you can...