i need good quality reading glasses, my eyes are getting increasingly worse over past year. i fear i will not only need readers but will need to wear them all the time. i seen bench designer glasses...
Apart from the obvious answer "neither", are roll ups or roll your own safer than the fags you buy over the counter? Ta Muchly...into fourth day of cold turkey and I don't mean the bird!...
Why do they keep reviving these old sit-coms, I can only imagine that they cant think of any new ideas! I thought it was terrible tonight, not a bit funny and just as bad as Still Open all Hours a few...
I shall be starting my annual fast on Monday the 6th, the ninth year in a row. Benefits: weight loss, giving the liver a wee bit of a rest and detox, effect on sleep. Cost: no wine particularly -...
anyone know a good appetite suppresant pill, something that wont send my nerves into overdrive or make me violently sick. i did try worrior blaze before which i thought were ok. your thoughts please,...
Two Christmas gifts, from people who should have known better, were a bottle of whisky and another of wine. Both now poured down the sink. Have you received an unsuitable seasonal gift?
I am currently suffering from a repeat bout of this and am taking two different antibiotics. I've just googled it and wish I hadn't. A new-ish treatment for difficult cases is faecal transplantation...
Just realised that I have not had one carol singer this year.It was one of the highlights of my Christmas hearing the children sing And telling what Santa was going to bring them. It can't be a safety...
First of all Merry Christmas one and all.Trish and I don't go out so it's the T.V. for us.Just been watching Fantasia I love Micky in the Sorcerers Apprentice and the Dance of the Hours with the...
How many BPs for me....... Washing machine emptied & clothes drying Bedding washed and dried Dog walked Dishwasher emptied House cleaned (well, most of it) Presents wrapped Tea will be cooked when mrs...
Just watching a lady on TV wrap presents in a v posh manner (she wraps at Harrods so you can imagine the standard). I hate wrapping presents, I did the stuff (badly) for the Advent Calendar Bag of...
Since the hospital have said "Don't be expected to be fed" I am taking a crusty ham roll, a piece of the best pork pie in the world and a thermos of hot water to make a decent cup of tea. As hospital...
Just after scrambling eggs in the micro .2eggs some milk 3minutes in microwave .done set for approx 3 minutes to cool .look back on them and they are floating in water .what happened that me finished...
In more sensible times long since past, children (and their siblings) went to the school nearest to where they lived and not to schools chosen by their parents based on position in 'league tables'...
A friend I were talking about various things including songs which have parts of them spoken rather than sung. It reminded me of a song - by Queen I think - which had a short piece, during the final...