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Северная Ирландия ( Paterson 42') 1 - 0 Россия
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I’ve been trying to find a new tea bag after the one I usually buy has been taken off the market. There is a dazzling array of tea & tea bags out there and it has made wonder why as a nation we...
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Why do owners of animals decide to take ownership of them then decide to leave them for 6 hours at a stretch. Even though walking 2 km in the morning and afternoon dogs forget that - they want...
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I've been to Tesco today. WHY can't people stand upright when pushing the trolley instead of lolling over it as if there legs can't hold them up, bum in the air? Strangely it doesn't seem to be the...
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Why do they feel they need to be in touch with people every minute of every day? Is every conversation a life or death situation that cannot wait? My phone is for emergencies only....
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i very stupidly got a 1"x1" tattoo on back of my neck behind the ear about 7 years ago, since then i have tried laser 4 times, plus i have had a tatooist inject a compound into it to try get it off....
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does anyone know if the DWP can switch a person from one benefit to another without informing the person they have done so, no letter and no reason....
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Watching Lynn tanking along the streets of Cromer in the excellent Alan Partridge Alpha Papa film, in her Mini Maestro got he thinking - it is literally years since i have seen a Metro or a Maestro -...
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It's the lovely Lisa's birthday today - one of the nicest people on AB. " Have a great day Lisa - have fun ... be careful :+) " dave xx...
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BBC1 and BBC2 went funny and a channel called something entertainment turned up instead of itv1 with a 2 hour show about meatloaf as in BOOH and then it vanished, what's going on!!
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Hi can anyone out there who can help me with my question how long do you have to wait before the council can move our family into a 3 bed house, as social housing seems to take for ever. Our two...
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I just went into the kitchen to make myself some cheese on toast. I opened the fridge, took out the cheese and then thought, 'Nah, you don't [i]need[i] this'. I put back the cheese and picked up a...
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a billionaire, went into a store in Zurich and asked the shop assistant to show her a handbag worth £24.000.00. Shop assistant refused telling her that she couldn't afford it....
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I haven't seen a single one this year. Have any of you seen any?
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Ok twelve day's late on my period. I'm never late. But today I started to spot real lighty.. what does this mean? preg or not?
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I'm 22. I often feel quite young on this site so I'd be interested to see how old people are.
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What are your views on banning smoking in Public areas (Beer gardens, on the street etc)
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AB Editor
I'm fed up. Did you post on this thread?: Have you had your answer removed? Could you possibly imagine why that was? Do you think it's...

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