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This might be a dumb question, but i was wondering if someone knew the meaning of the quote here's looking at you, kid. from the film casablanca? thanks.
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows what the legal adult age is in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
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here's a good one: what is the woman saying in the song Right here, right now by fat boy slim?
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I am reading a book and the basic theme is that if you are a woman you are either a wife or a mistriss. I wanted to know any thoughts or opinions about this.
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carrying on to smudges question about life after death..has anyone ever felt they have been here before..either by visiting somewhere that felt familiar or skills they have that come easy..i could...
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What is the meaning of "train him and all", "croak" in the following sentences? Ray laughed louder. He could not, at that moment, ever remember having a talk about sex and money with a...
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What do you call yours? Tea, supper or dinner? I call it dinner.
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When I was in Australia in 2002/3, I heard a song on Triple J about a worm that likes to play the drums.  Bizarre but good.  It's not much to go on but does anyone know a title, artist or...
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What is the meaning of "just under the surface" in the following sentence? As tough as he tried to act, Forrest's emotions were always just under the surface
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Dom Tuk
Who holds the distinction of having been photographed the most. needless to say it will be a celebrity or a politician but how could we clarify who has been done the most number of times.
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Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of the original script from either "The Bourne Identify" or The Bourne Supremacy" ? your help is appreciated. Jet.
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Who was the first to make the song "Horse With No Name" ? Neil Young or America?

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