So Ed shot Emily's husband Ernest in 1978. I may be barking up a wrong tree here, but let me ask you one simple question. If someone had murdered your nearest and dearest, you had attended the...
My friend has a sore foot when she walks on it, but it gets better when she rests. It is the middle underneath part of her foot and she says could it be 'fallen arches.' We both have heard the...
My Dad has started to hit and kick our lovely golden retriever when he is being disobedient, and refuses to get up to go in the house/ go home/get in the car etc. This upsets me a great deal. Whilst...
Could someone please give me a run through of what happened in this episode and what happened in the end? I can't believe I missed it!!!!! Thanks!!!!! xxXXxx
It says <A target='_blank' href=" 3755/summary.html">here</A> that a new series of My Hero is coming on on...
Our new kitten never ceases to amaze me with her lunacy and has started racing up the lining of my curtains and letting go with her front claws. She actually hangs upside down like a bat for a second...
To pick up on an earlier thread re. the official language of Finland I also went for Suomi but all the reference sources I have accessed give Finnish & Swedish as the official languages: Suomi ( I...
37d informal military term for removing from office 4,3 D*** out - could it be drop out also 41a coastal marine or freshwater food fish 4,6 *r*y ***l*t
Is anyone on this boards really hooked on this programme because i have an real spoiler for this programme only told to me today by my friend who lives in the states,If you would like to know what the...