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Well stuck on SE corner. Please help with either 22a Boy and version of one of [Eric Coates], say (6) or 26a Singular accompaniment to roast joint taken neat by Campbell (8)
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16d Oscar - person found in drowned valley here (7) I have R?M?N?A Help with last one, please.
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what is the name of the town? keswick r or cumberland
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Help needed on last 2, please: 9d Author improvises in play, injecting energy (5) I have ?A?E? and wonder if there is / was an author called HAMES? 27d Revere, say, using Asian title of respect in...
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26a Having intention of getting trendy in Bath - possible reward for [washing the car, mowing the lawn or walking the dog]? (5,2,3,3) I have ?O?N? T? T?E ?U? - Going to the pub?
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My son is a builder in partnership with a friend. Their accountant may be going through some crisis of his own. Whatever, he has had the papers since last October and failed to make the tax return. He...
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E End of the cut of meat far off to send (5) I have E?O?N and can't think my way out of it.
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stuck on three, 11a back space open space (4) m??r, is this moor..4d accept result of an action will come into force (4,6) ta?e / ?f???t , is this take effect ,17a, five inside organising rent for...
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Can someone please help me get started as I have not come across an alphabetical crosswordd before. How do i know what goes where? Tks
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Stuck on a few where I would be grateful for any help: 15a Low character (7, 5) C?L???? ?E?M? 18a A subtle love affair revealed in song (1, 4, 7) ? ???? T?M???? 16d One who'll make room, it's hoped...
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Stuck with 19d (6) and 20d (7) which share the same clue: Tips to get Richelieu as pressures put on the French struggle. I would appreciate any help.
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5d Reason for losing heart when odd character appears (4) C?S? I assume the answer is CASE (Reason = Cause losing heart, so CASE, but what's the odd character? As in 'he's a right case'? Surely not.
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W Conduct ungreen in key in English lake (7,5) WA?R?N?, W?T?R Stumped for the front bit.
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I think i have worked out which national trail it is but i'm struggling with the broadcaster. Can anybody help ? Thanks in advance.
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4d Runs cut off by opponents during play (5) LOPES? but why? I can see LOP for cut off but no more. 9a Boy giving [Punxsutwaney's Groundhog Day part 1] backchat. (7) PHILLIP? but why? I can see LIP...
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Has anyone managed to find the site of the planetarium featured today?
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25a Black reptile travelling west through Slough (8) ?C?R?H?? 14d Salamander's agony over drinking session (10) ?E?L?E???R
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are the islands the orkneys-if so can you explain the reference 'where it sounds at at least to certain citizens further south as if a lot of talking goes on'-otherwise what are they? thanks
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MP, poet and comedian were easy, but I cannot trace the viaduct. Clues, please.
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What on earth is 6 down? Nervously run through a tape with stage-door Johnny type? 9,6 Begins with A also 3 down Wrath over convent supporting British statesman's book 10,5 Begins with N Trying to get...

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