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i was wondering if christine would give us a talk about allotments we have to allotments and are having a scecond pollytunnle i'ts to do with people with mental health ishuse we grow uor own vegies...
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Salt of the earth, can do no wrong, trust them with your life, diss them at your peril, hearts of gold, backbone of Answerbank, the A Team of the Internet. How many can you name?
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How cold is it where you are? It is pretty cold and frosty here in the south. I have not taken the dogs out yet as they are fast asleep still. Should I wake them or leave them to sleep.? What do you...
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On looking out at my garden today I spotted 3 fairly large birds that had distinct blue, white and grey colouring on their wings and the rest of their bodies were beige. Can anyone tell me what they...
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Kozmic Blues
What type of beetle is this? Came home on some new furniture from the DIY store. 6/DSC01199.jpg *Kozmic*
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I was In too much of a hurry, so instead of waiting a couple of days till the bread was as it should be whizzed it up this morning with thyme, parsley and sage. The result is a mass of bright green...
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why do religious people celebrate a pagan festival like christmas and then complain that "christ has been taken out of christmas"? For goodness sakes, christ was never in christmas to begin with.It's...
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seriously... why?
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Denise S.
Anyone got any easy chocolate truffle recipes please, many thanks in advance.
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Can I freeze Cheddar cheese and if so will it change the quality in any way?
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can anyone tell me the difference between stairs and steps ?????
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for the first time ever im not sending xmas cards but giving the money to charity,but ive received some lovely cards and now feel a bit guilty.should i ?
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whose daughter was nicknamed thunderthighs?
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Not sure this is the right section, but here goes. The 3 wisemen/kings travelled from the East. If we were to depict moving from the East we would show their direction as coming from the right of a...
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Ok, here's the big Q...I met this girl on in a yahoo chatroom about 6 months ago, I want to go meet her but haven't yet told my parents and friends who I think will be very skeptical and insulting...
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Im in the right category for this i know- my soul feels cleansed but my body is still craving for a ciggarette- ( sometimes during the day ) i gave up a week ago today and i feel dead chuffed cos im...
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I have just discovered the house I am buying is Stamp Duty Exempt, saving me a few grand. WHy is this the case for some houses/areas?
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What was the slang name for the US Union Soldiers?
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i was reading a book set in the early 1950 in it children enjoyed JELLY CREAMS please what are they and how were they made??
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which is the best on the market. just purchased a sonicare e9000. it was quite expensive but looks really good. i have a lot of trouble with infection and am currently on anti-biotics so decided to...

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