Does anyone else agree with me that I think the guy who plays Charlie stubbs (B ill Ward) is the sexiest thing to appear in a soap for ages? I think that he beats Nigel Harman hands down!
a baby sparrow chick has fallen from a tree in my garden, i tried feeding it but it seems to young to feed from anyone apart from its mother , therefore i have placed it in a box and rested it back on...
Not sure if this is the right place for this question but didn't know where else to put it. Does anyone know why you see clumps of unravelled cassette tape lying around, especially by roads? My friend...
Couldn't believe my eyes today when I saw a couple picking wild blackberries from a hedgerow as I passed by. Is my memory playing tricks or don't they normally ripen around the end of August? I have...
My sis has asked me to find out about this. I just searched it but too much bumf came up. Can anyone give me any information about this without too many long words please cuz I don't want to have to...
I seem to have a lot of small brown moths inside. This is because the windows are open but I worry that they may be breeding somewhere in the house. I have a lot of clothes that I don't want ruined!!...
I remember being plagued with the ******* in years gone by, especially eating outside, but this year I dont think I have seen a single one, not that I miss them exactly, but have they become scarce...
What other 'favourite' sites do you visit over and over? My reccommendation for today is . Its the site that all those Excel based picture /music quizes come from. There are hundreds...
Did anyone watch the afternoon play Tea with Betty? We watched it last night and can't think what prog. the main character was in before. Can anyone help?
You should be more open to real life. censoring questions is what hitler did. GROW UP DUDES!!!!! Sex is part of life even if you losers dont get any, some of us do. get a life!!!!!
Every evening now our Buddleia and Escallonia is alive with about 100+ feeding moths - but what are they? More than likely some kind of Hawk Moth as they hover motionless for a couple of seconds, but...