Might seem strange but seeing Soldiers of the Borders Regiment walking through my town centre this morning. Wonder if I could trade in a Sailor for a Soldier ;) NB - I'm kidding about the trade in...
Can anyone tell me please if crows that are making a nest in my oak tree will frighten away the smaller birds from the feeding stations we have under the tree?
I've just heard, on Radio Wales, that a workman's van was stolen in Swansea yesterday, with the man's 7yr old Boxer x Staffie dog inside. The thieves later threw the poor dog out of the van on the M4...
I was looking for something on You Tube and found this video. They guy is called Pete Wedderburn and he is based just outside Dublin. He has a pets problem page in the Telegraph and appears on TV in...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-22183589 He'd done it before, why was he even at liberty? "Jaji was sentenced to a 10-month detention and training order but was not registered as a sex...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2310357/Thousands-Baroness-Thatcher-fans-world-line-streets-watch-ex-PMs-historic-funeral-procession-St-Pauls.html Note the difference in reporting, The Daily...
as we now have gone past our sell by date on the maggiebee post do we want to start again?
If so I will start with,
Wild thing, you make my heart sing
you make everything .....
over to you,...
There is a medical distinction between Guts and Balls. We have all heard of people having Guts or having Balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed,...
Do any of you have a phobia? Or at least something you are really scared of? One of my sons has a phobia of wasps. If one goes within 10 feet of him he abosolutely freaks out and runs screaming in the...
When did the word 'do' replace the word 'have'? There are two adverts on at present Ariel and BT where they say 'I do' and 'you do' instead of 'I have' and 'you have' - nonsense.
..in what President Obama calls "a shameful day for Washington". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22194183 You really do have to marvel at the utter stupidity of the Senate at times, you...
And because of the justice system in this country she NEVER got the inquest for her son Kevin , she appealed to 3 attorney Generals that her son was alive a 4.00pm but was told "its not in the...