Last two: 7d Forward half of non-drinkers: "Beer's topping!" (5) A?E?D. The beer should be ALE but can't see it. Non-drinkers would normally be TT but that's clearly not there. Across clue 12a gives... ...
Last two and I think I have the answers but cannot parse: 74 Public hoarding Bill's ham O?E???T (7) must be OVERACT i.e. a ham actor but can't see why. 59d Popular retreat with independent ex-vice... ...
Final one to get and it should be simple. 7d Eye after this seductive look (4) ?L?D The only answer I can come up with is SLID as in "she slid him a furtive glance", "eye" giving "lid", not sure... ...
Final two interlinked clues to get with ^ as the common letter: 25a Most favourable to ditch leader from an earlier period O?D?^ 22d Working men in Black Country D?^?A?K 25a looks like OLDIE. Could... ...
8d Salt: a minimum of it, say, limits trouble (3,3) S?A ?O? must be Sea Dog as in Old Salt but why limits trouble? 19d African teacher's assistant holding pen ?S?A?A. All I can come up with is... ...
Last one to get 8d What's put down? Nancy's small number heard. S?N? Looks like SONG because you can "put down a track" [or song I guess] but I cannot parse the reference to Nancy or the small... ...