Last two: 7d Forward half of non-drinkers: "Beer's topping!" (5) A?E?D. The beer should be ALE but can't see it. Non-drinkers would normally be TT but that's clearly not there. Across clue 12a gives... ...
Last two and I think I have the answers but cannot parse: 74 Public hoarding Bill's ham O?E???T (7) must be OVERACT i.e. a ham actor but can't see why. 59d Popular retreat with independent ex-vice... ...
Final one to get and it should be simple. 7d Eye after this seductive look (4) ?L?D The only answer I can come up with is SLID as in "she slid him a furtive glance", "eye" giving "lid", not sure... ...
Final two interlinked clues to get with ^ as the common letter: 25a Most favourable to ditch leader from an earlier period O?D?^ 22d Working men in Black Country D?^?A?K 25a looks like OLDIE. Could... ...
8d Salt: a minimum of it, say, limits trouble (3,3) S?A ?O? must be Sea Dog as in Old Salt but why limits trouble? 19d African teacher's assistant holding pen ?S?A?A. All I can come up with is... ...
Last one to get 8d What's put down? Nancy's small number heard. S?N? Looks like SONG because you can "put down a track" [or song I guess] but I cannot parse the reference to Nancy or the small... ...
Last one 44d Small gifts, mementos, or edible treats such as Cornish ginger nuts traditionally bought at fetes/galas F?I?I?G? Looks a bit like FAIRINGS but that doesn't seem right
25a The Beeb's beginning to go out free U?T?? looks like UNTIE but cannot for the life of me parse it If 25a is right then 23d is ?E?R. Clue is Mock joker heartlessly. Answer seems to be JEER but... ...