My husband and I have decided to separate, it's all very amicable (so far) but I want to formalise what we've agreed on - especially residency for our 3yr old daughter. I'd rather get legally sorted...
Does anyone know of any UK forums and message boards to talk about seperation and divorce? Husband and I are splitting and have yet to tell people which I'm absolutely dreading. It may well be the...
I am wanting to get fit and lose weight but hate exercise so I have decided to do something I would enjoy so I thought of kick boxing so I was wondering if anyone does this and can anyone tell me if...
i have shoulderlength hair normaly worn tied in a ponytale. I want a 'updo' as in clipped up with some spikey bits. I dont have time for a visit too the hair salon or want one of those mobile...
Hi We're looking for a woodburner around 4KW, There's so many I'm after general advice what do people have already are you pleased with it or what to avoid. We purchased a Firewarm 4, but had to send...
My 4 year old is becoming a little madam (we'll have no jokes of 'like mother like daughter'- thank you!). And is doing what I imagine most four year olds do, pushing the boundaries. However when she...
Well a week ago today I eventually decided that my 4 &1/2 yr old didn't really need her dummy! So after asking her if she would like an early extra Christmas present from Santa, which if course she...
my son's reception class has a teddy bear that goes home with a child who has been "good" My little boy is over the moon when he is chosen. But, each time he has this scruffy, smelly bear, he has a...
hmmm i have a partner with a 10 yr old from previous relationship, we have her either 2 nights in the week or every other weekend, depends on what we work, she also pops down for tea and to play with...
I'm thinking of having juvederm treatment on my nose to mouth lines. Has anyone had it done? Was it successful? Are there any risks of it going wrong like 'pout trout' effect when people have lips...
I'm asking this question for my sister Outside her house, on the pavement, is a council owned sycamore tree that is over hanging the pavement and into her front garden. It has also damaged her wall...
For the last 14 years my brother has been paying child maintenance to his ex partner for his daughter. This was a private agreement and was paid either in cash or into her new husband's bank account....
does anyone on here eat their '5 a day' fruit and veg. I like to think i have a healthy diet but i've been trying to eat the RDA of fruit and veg for the past week and its near impossible!
well....where do i start.... i have fallen in love with this girl, she as a bf, but i cant help myself in loving her. we had a works 'do' last night and theres a lovely girl there, that i like and...
i am 28 and my posture is awful, ive had 2 big babies and have a poor back anyway. mostly i find myself standing with my back curved in like you do when your pregnant which makes my not so flat tummy...