I'm 5ft5, medium build, whats the lowest weight i could join weightwatchers at and what is the lowest I could safely go? (not planning to go this low, just out of curiosity)
After wearing cheap earrings, my ears are very sore. What is the best kind of earrings to wear until they heal? Gold, silver, titanium or surgical steel?
I'm thinking of redecorating my hall, landing and stairs. It is only a small house so its not a big area, but it is awkward and I would like to get someone in to strip the existing wallpaper and...
I'm thinking of replacing my bathroom suite, just a bath, wash hand basin and toilet, to be put in the same position as the old one. Not including the price of the suite, does anyone know how much it...
Could there be an extra option for "irrelevant answers"? I am sick of returning to a post thinking I've got an answer on a release date of a book or album to find out the reply is "dont bother its...
i made vegetable soup (with chicken stock) and froze it the same day. After thawing out, how long would i be able to keep it refrigerated before eating it, without risking food poisoning?
what did martin's girlfriend say to sally when they were introduced? It sounded like "oh yes the caffeine trip"? All we could think of was " the camping trip", where martin and sally got together? But...
Apart from ebay, where could i get some fake flowers that aren't cheap looking? I was thinking of wood or paper flowers as they would suit the look i'm going for!
I need the cheapest double bed set (duvet cover and pillow cases) possible, it doesnt matter if its really thin! Where does the cheapest? The cheapest i've found so far is argos, and i've looked in...
I would like to create a website where users can search to see if anything matches their requirements, and if they can't find anything, they can input their details so that an email is automatically...