An aromatic resin obtained from a Mediterranean tree used to make varnish & lacquer ? A ? T ? C Has everyone noticed that not only has the prize money sunk to ?50 but the price of the paper has risen...
Will some kind person please tell me if the powers that be are allowing more time to get our entires in because of postal strikes. I really only buy the paper for the puzzles so no point in a walk to...
Male narrator in Wuthering Heights L ? C ? ? O ? D The original from the book presumably. No amount of Googling has thrown up an alternative to actors in films etc. Many thanks to all who can help me...
29 across. G ? O ? N ? - L ? O ? P Looks like ground loop? A sharp uncontrollable turn made by an aircraft while taxiing, taking off or landing due to un-balanced drag.
Will someone please enlighten me. This is not a term I have ever heard before. I am presuming that it is perhaps a term used in a university. If it is, it shows I never went to one.
I have a surfit of goldfish in my pond. Despite never having kept fish before my initial stock of 12 has now grown to about 60+ and I need to reduce their number. Must be doing something right ! Does...
I have a surfit of goldfish in my pond and need to reduce the number. Started with 12 and now have 60 +. Have never kept fish before but must be doing something right. Too right it seems. Would like...
Help with last 2 please. 13a. Musical term meaning to use the soft pedal on a piano U ? A ? O ? D ? 18a. Caribbean drink made from buckthorn bark and sugar ? A ? B ?
22 a. letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet or a magical spell or symbol R ? ? E Help needed with the last clue please. Grateful thanks to all who answer.
Help with last 2 please. 27 d. Heavily laden extended march over rough terrain. Y ? ? ? Fortunately I have never been made to do one. 30 a. Old long barrelled shoulder gun ? ? S ? E ?
Whilst I am pleased to receive 2 points for getting Tonic Water how about another 2 for Scent Gland ? I have checked back to my entry and yes I did put it down. C'mn, no way to treat a newcomer.
12 d. Cause craving or desire to develop in somebody. 5 letters T ? M ? ? 18 a. Showing fear and lack of confidence. 5 letters. ? ? ? ? D 14 d. Cookware that is usable on a hob or in the oven. 10...