Are actors still allowed to smoke in a pub whilst doing a scene, like `Ventrist` in this evenings episode?. The `Top Gear` crew got fined I believe for smoking pipes in one show.
Hi, I have been watching this drama on Monday night's, who do you think killed the little girl Emily? Doubt it is the 3 obvious people, Jack, The ex wife of Kevin Wateley or the step mum with the...
Hi Can you have 2 ipods on the same itunes, I already have an ipod video on my itunes with a load of films and music, can I put an ipod touch on the same itunes with a different library, if so, how do...
Does anybody know of a case, leather or otherwise, which will hold both my ipod touch (with access to ports) AND the earphones? I have one which holds my ipod but then I have to carry ny earphones...
Hi, I have a small Hardy Palm Tree and it has started to get brown spots on the leaves, just wondered if anyone knew what this could be or what has caused it?
Thanks in advance
Hi a couple of weeks ago we planted a little palm tree, we are not much for gardening and wondered if anyone knew how long they take to grow? It says on the labal it can grow up to 50 feet, thanks in...
Yes, I know i'm sad to be watching it but hey-ho!!! If anyone else is tuned in tonight - did you see that black guy sing at the beginning? If so, when the camera panned to his family at the end of his...
If any of you watched Coronation Street last night What did you think of the scene concerning Liz and Vernon's wedding Photograph? I thought it was the funniest I had seen in ages. Poor vernon.:-D
there's this guy in manchester, who wouldn't watch corrie for ten years, as he broke his neck the last time he watched it. (he says he ran upstairs to the loo in the ad break and fell) Anyway, he...
Hi We frequently get a heron in our garden as next door and the garden opposit have ponds, what I was wondering is the heron gets attacked by crows all the time and when the heron flys away the crows...
maria has just said she was going t o register the babys death, but you cant have a funeral until the death has been registered! unless its different with a child anyone know