does anyone have a nice recipe for pork chops, I am cooking for four so something that involved putting them in the oven or slow cooker would be good, less hassle for me. The chops aren't to big or...
Can we have a poll please on the most irritating soap character? Surely I can't be the only one who hates the sight of Chelsea off Eastenders? For me, the worst character in years.
A pair of swans by my house have been sitting on 5 eggs for about 5 weeks now. Does any one know how long they will take to hatch? Is it to do with a certain amount of time or conditions such as the...
Who sis the most famous person you have ever met? Up to 2 weeks ago mine was Terry Nutkins....then I bumped into John Inverdale when I was coming out of my local Bakers!
Does anyone know the track that was playing while Tracy was doing her VT on the opening night? It was and old rave/house track that i used to love but can't remember what it was called!
I was in a neighbouring town late yesterday afternoon taking a friend home and as we drove along a road on a housing estate we both saw a dog with a foot so bad it couldn't bear to put it to the...
Hi My little Westie is 12 weeks old, I have given her the flea treetment but she is still scratching, I also bath her often, I know they can have skin problems, but i wondered if any of you out there...
Dear all, I have two cats who have always been healthy eaters - let's just say they enjoy their food times! They are still young (just over 2yrs I believe) and, on a recent visit to the vet, he told...