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Do you have a certain side of the bed? I didn't overly notice until my new blokey slept on "my" side. Hmmm.....
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It is RATTER's Birthday today!!! He is the most wonderful man - intelligent, kind-hearted, funny, caring, considerate, generous, sexy and soooo lovable and I love him to bits! He has loads of other...
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How can my friend, Diadora, get rid of her shin fat?! A nice healthy, non-surgical way? Thanks!
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I went to a xmas party at my friends house 2 nights ago and met up with loads of people i hadn't seen for ages which was very cool. Anyway, all of a sudden someone else turned up who i used to work...
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What county does everyone live in (or state etc...), thought it'd be interesting to see how geographically spread we are as lots of people seem to live in the same areas. Just give the one you live...
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i started chatting to a man on a chatroom years ago and have developed a very close relationship with him, we used to text, email or messenger many times a day. it was very exiting and i think i fell...
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Hello All on The AB, I could do with a bit of advice from you all. Yesterday I went for dinner at his mum and dads. Now then, his parents are both very ill, his mum with COPD and emphysema and his...
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When you buy a new computer, I see PC World offer a service (for a fee, of course) where they will transfer all the data from your old PC on to your new one. What I'd like to know is - can't I do it...
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As a couple of complete amateurs, (enthusiastic and reasonably competent) is it possible for us to completely re-roof a bungalow? I've looked into it and feel confident we could manage it but its...
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Kozmic Blues
Is it safe to feed my dog most veg with her Christmas dinner?
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Did anyone have them knocking on your door's on Christmas Day? We did. They descended in our area about 11am. Ok ,they dont celebrate Christmas but why do they feel the need to force their belief's on...
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Drank champagne with our Christmas lunch, Cava with our Boxing Day lunch and not sure I could notice much real difference in the quality as both were enjoyable. Is champagne really worth the extra...
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How can i stop my morning sickness? As far as i know I'm not pregnant...
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what are the names of santas reindeers and how many did he have?
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hypothetical question. If a friend or relative gave you a lotto ticket for Christmas, or a birthday, and lets say it won ?2 million pounds. Would you go 50/50 or would you keep the winnings to...
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i have a big blossoming circle of friends online, there's always someone that i can talk to. but i'm beginning to feel this might not be enough. i have a few close friends in real life, but none of...
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my freind and i were discusing why men wear moustaches/beards.he thinks its vanity. it will be very interesting to seek others veiws. indeed considering the job of clipping and snipping what is the...
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I know a lovely man who lives alone. He is a very sociable, friendly man with a small circle of close friends and a much wider circle of aquaintances. He's not a reclusive type, although a bit shy...
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This is directed to the male ABer's really, as most of the females are much better organised ( except me ) Do you leave your Christmas shopping until last minute (Christmas Eve) and if so why? Is this...
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I was in work the other day making some toast when the toaster went 'pop' and there was a blue flash. It was still working except for one of the elements, which no longer heats up or toasts. It's...

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